
Changes to Syndian Products Ranged at Coles Supermarkets
We are pleased to announce that our Brown Rice & Vegie Burgers will now be available at Coles Supermarkets, starting on the 21st of this...

New Look but Same Old Goodness
We are happy to announce that Syndian will be introducing a new look to some of our products, these products are: Curried Pumpkin Bites...

Meatless Monday School Canteen "Kit"
We are delighted to be partnering with ThinkKind Australia to deliver our School Canteens Meatless Mondays promotion! We all know that...
Stage One of Non-GM Certification for selected Syndian Products
Syndian would like to announce that stage one of Non-GMO certification has been completed, this includes the certification of 7 products,...
Black Olive Dip - Lighter Colours
Syndian would like to advise that Due to seasonal changes in the Kalamata olives, the Black olive Dip may appear lighter in colour. This...
Syndian Blog
Syndian announces the launch of a Blog on our website in which we will capture different viewpoints in relation to matters we find are...

Four New Curry Meals
We are pleased to announce the introduction of a whole new range of Syndian Ready Meals. These meals, with their Indian inspired...

Wholegrain Burger Range
Looking for something a little bit more hearty in these colder months? Syndian's wholegrain burger patties are just the thing to fill up...
Babaganoush Now Kosher Certified
Kosher certification has been issued for Baba-ganoush. With this step all Syndian products, without exclusion are certified Kosher.
New Dip Lines!
We are pleased to announce that as of 27th May 2013 Syndian will commence manufacturing the following new lines in the dips range: Kale,...